Tuesday 11 June 2024 from 9:00 to 13:00 the Ancient Roman Baths will be closed to visitors due to the temporary transfer of finds.

Extraordinary opening of cultural sites 2022

The ABAP Superintendence of Cagliari and the MiC Secretariat for Sardinia are once again participating in the Extraordinary Openings promoted by the Ministry of Culture to spread knowledge of cultural heritage and share with citizens the results of conservation and enhancement activities carried out in the territory.

The program developed by the two institutions, in collaboration with other MiC offices, local authorities, and entities operating in the cultural heritage sector, proposes a rich calendar of events that, from September 14 to December 3, 2022, will provide an opportunity to present to the public ongoing and recently completed projects, construction sites, and works related to archaeological, architectural, historical-artistic, ethno-anthropological assets, and landscape. Exceptionally, it will be possible to visit archaeological sites and monuments not usually accessible to the public.

As part of this enhancement project, on Saturday, October 15, the archaeological excavations of the thermal complex of Forum Traiani, in Fordongianus, will be open to the public:


October 15, 4:30 PM The ancient Roman baths of Caddas, on the left bank of the Tirso, constitute an extremely important monumental testimony of the Roman city of Forum Traiani, which still partly survives under the modern town of Fordongianus. After a long period of interruption, and thanks to funding assigned to the Municipality of Fordongianus, the Superintendence has restarted archaeological excavations and carried out delicate conservation interventions on the frescoed walls of some rooms. In collaboration with the Municipal Administration and the Forum Traiani Cooperative, the latest interventions will be presented preliminarily, which participants will have the opportunity to observe closely, also with the guidance of experts who have scientifically supervised their implementation.


4:30 PM – Archaeological area of the Roman Baths Presentation conference of ongoing archaeological excavation and restoration interventions


Monica Stochino – Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia
Serafino Pischedda – Mayor of Fordongianus Maura Vargiu – Archaeological Officer of the Superintendence
Georgia Toreno – Restoration Officer of the Superintendence

Followed by an extraordinary opening of the excavation and restoration areas, guided tour by the staff of the Superintendence in collaboration with the Regional Secretariat for Sardinia.

For information and reservations: Forum Traiani Coop – info@forumtraiani.it – +39 0783 60157
Places are limited – RESERVATION REQUIRED


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